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Understanding Main Ideas and Claims -
Focusing on how to separate general statements from specific supporting information.

January 28, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Cost: 60 NIS, 45 NIS for subscribers


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Lecture Times
Understanding Main Ideas and Claims (AR)
Focusing on how to separate general statements from specific supporting information (proof).
Nardine Farraj

28/01/2025 19:00

Understanding Main Ideas and Claims (HE)

Focusing on how to separate general statements from specific supporting information (proof).

Sheila Handler

28/01/2025 19:00

Locating Specific Supporting Information (AR)
Focusing on how to separate specific supporting information (proof) from general statements.
Nardine Farraj
Locating Specific Supporting Information (HE)
Focusing on how to separate specific supporting information (proof) from general statements.
Sheila Handler
The Importance of Connectors (AR)
Learning how to use and understand simple words (connectors) that help you locate information in a text.
Nardine Farraj
The Importance of Connectors (HE)
Learning how to use and understand simple words (connectors) that help you locate information in a text.
Sheila Handler
Why the words That, Which and Who are Important (HE)
Locating simple terms that help you define, describe, and understand information in a text.
Sheila Handler
Why the words That, Which and Who are Important (AR)
Locating simple terms that help you define, describe, and understand information in a text.
Nardine Farraj
Comparison and Contrast (and the emphasis of the Author) (HE)

Learning how to locate words that show us similarities and differences so that we can differentiate between facts in the text.

Sheila Handler
Comparison and Contrast (and the emphasis of the Author) (AR)
Learning how to locate words that show us similarities and differences so that we can differentiate between facts in the text.
Nardine Farraj
Reference Clues and Locating Important Information (AR)
Focusing on simple reference terms that can show us where to locate information in a text.
Nardine Farraj
Reference Clues and Locating Important Information (HE)
Focusing on simple reference terms that can show us where to locate information in a text.
Sheila Handler
Defining Complex Words and Phrases (without a dictionary) (AR)
Learning how to recognize how to locate and use simple clues and phrases that help us understand the meaning of complex terms.
Nardine Farraj
Defining Complex Words and Phrases (without a dictionary) (HE)
Learning how to recognize how to locate and use simple clues and phrases that help us understand the meaning of complex terms.
Sheila Handler
Differentiating Between Claims and Arguments (HE)
Learning how to locate claims and the supporting information that makes them arguments.
Sheila Handler
Differentiating Between Claims and Arguments (AR)
Learning how to locate claims and the supporting information that makes them arguments.
Nardine Farraj
Understanding How to Find and Understand a Purpose (AR)
Focusing on the rules and uses of simple clues and verbs to help us locate a purpose.
Nardine Farraj
Understanding How to Find and Understand a Purpose (HE)
Focusing on the rules and uses of simple clues and verbs to help us locate a purpose.
Sheila Handler
Differentiating Between Cause and Effect in a Text (HE)

Understand the meaning of cause and effect clues and how to use them in a text.

Sheila Handler
Differentiating Between Cause and Effect in a Text (AR)

Understand the meaning of cause and effect clues and how to use them in a text.

Nardine Farraj
Locating Evidence in a Text (AR)
Understand how to separate evidence and use it to support an argument.
Nardine Farraj
Locating Evidence in a Text (HE)
Understand how to separate evidence and use it to support an argument.
Sheila Handler
How a Text Uses Specific Supporting Information Strengthen an Argument (AR)
Learning how to recognize and use information that supports (or contradicts) an argument.
Nardine Farraj
How a Text Uses Specific Supporting Information Strengthen an Argument (HE)
Learning how to recognize and use information that supports (or contradicts) an argument.
Sheila Handler
The Difference Between a Finding and a Conclusion (AR)
Understand the difference between findings and conclusions and how to use them to understand a text.
Nardine Farraj
The Difference Between a Finding and a Conclusion (HE)
Understand the difference between findings and conclusions and how to use them to understand a text.
Sheila Handler
How to Infer Information (1) (HE)
Focusing on how to use the information stated in a text to understand unstated facts.
Sheila Handler
How to Infer Information (1) (AR)
Focusing on how to use the information stated in a text to understand unstated facts.
Nardine Farraj
How to Read and Understand an Academic Article (2) (AR)
Learning to recognize and use the skills that can improve your understanding of an academic text.
Nardine Farraj
How to Infer Information (2) (HE)
Focusing on how to use the information stated in a text to understand unstated facts.
Sheila Handler
How to Infer Information (2) (AR)
Focusing on how to use the information stated in a text to understand unstated facts.
Nardine Farraj
How to Read and Understand an Academic Article (1) (HE)
Learning to recognize and use the skills that can improve your understanding of an academic text.
Sheila Handler
How to Read and Understand an Academic Article (1) (AR)
Learning to recognize and use the skills that can improve your understanding of an academic text.
Nardine Farraj
How to Read and Understand an Academic Article (2) (HE)
Learning to recognize and use the skills that can improve your understanding of an academic text.
Sheila Handler
How to Read and Understand an Academic Article (3) (HE)
Learning to recognize and use the skills that can improve your understanding of an academic text.
Sheila Handler
How to Read and Understand an Academic Article (3) (AR)
Learning to recognize and use the skills that can improve your understanding of an academic text.
Nardine Farraj
How to Read and Understand an Academic Article (4) (HE)
Learning to recognize and use the skills that can improve your understanding of an academic text.
Sheila Handler
How to Read and Understand an Academic Article (4) (AR)
Learning to recognize and use the skills that can improve your understanding of an academic text.
Nardine Farraj
How to Find Methods and Procedures (HE)
Focusing on simple clues and verbs that can help understand what is happening in a study.
Sheila Handler
How to Find Methods and Procedures (AR)
Focusing on simple clues and verbs that can help understand what is happening in a study.
Nardine Farraj
How to Write an Academic Essay (1) (HE)
Focusing on how to locate and use information from a text in order to create complete and comprehensive essays.
Sheila Handler
How to Write an Academic Essay (1) (AR)
Focusing on how to locate and use information from a text in order to create complete and comprehensive essays.
Nardine Farraj
How to Write an Academic Essay (2) (AR)
Focusing on how to locate and use information from a text in order to create complete and comprehensive essays.
Nardine Farraj
How to Write an Academic Essay (2) (HE)
Focusing on how to locate and use information from a text in order to create complete and comprehensive essays.
Sheila Handler
How to Write an Academic Essay (3) (AR)
Focusing on how to locate and use information from a text in order to create complete and comprehensive essays.
Nardine Farraj
How to Write an Academic Essay (3) (HE)
Focusing on how to locate and use information from a text in order to create complete and comprehensive essays.
Sheila Handler
How to Write an Academic Essay (4) (AR)
Focusing on how to locate and use information from a text in order to create complete and comprehensive essays.
Nardine Farraj

At entry to lecture ₪125 will be deducted from your account
or ₪50 if you are a subscriber.

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