Comprehension: The Path to Success
We are experienced, professional, university-level lecturers dedicated to helping you succeed and excel in your academic studies.
Taveen offers four different methods to increase your comprehension -
Video based lessons; Practice quizzes; Live Lectures; and Interactive Tutoring.
Languages and Subjects
Taveen is currently available in English, Hebrew, and Arabic, for college level English comprehension students. We intend to add in the coming months support for speakers of Russian, and course material for Bagrut level English as well as Bagrut and college level Mathematics and Physics.
Try for Free
Click on “Get Started” to enter Taveen. You can watch selected videos or try out some of the exercise quizzes; and you can look over the lecture and tutoring schedules.
Pay As You Go
Sign up and you can watch whatever videos you like or use the practice exams, paying only for those that interest you. You can even attend the lectures or get help from our tutors at full price.
Subscribe and you can view all of our videos and take all of our exams for free. Subscribers get a substantial discount off the regular price for lectures and tutoring help. When you subscribe we will credit your account for the “Pay as you go” payments that you’ve made during the prior 10 days.
The regular price for tutoring is 140₪ per hour for a single student, 100₪ for subscribers (plus 15/10 for recordind of the session). Group sessions are discounted in proportion to the number of participants. Payment for tutoring sessions are deducted from the student's account at the end of the session.
You will receive a credit for every new subscriber who you convince to join Taveen. The price for lectures and tutoring sessions go down as the number of students who attend increase, so bring your friends.
Lectures cost 125₪, or 50₪ for subscribers. If more than the target number of students register for the lecture then the price of the lecture is reduced correspondingly.
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